Wednesday, November 28, 2007


To make up for never posting I thought I'd share this amazing poster from Crooked Letter Press. Seriously, I love this.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


These are a few of my flickr favorites. I like the muted orange palette today.

Ready for Fall

Matthew Mead has put up his Fall ideas and I loved this photo of his transferware - maybe I should stack all mine up for a photo shoot too?

Monday, August 13, 2007

a day in the sun

This was my lunch today : red pear, wheat crackers and goat cheese with French herbs. The cheese is from Cheesy Girl a local farm that has the cutest packaging (as you can see) and makes some dynamite cheese!
It is sunny and hot hot hot today so I'm drying clothes on the line to keep the dryer from heating up the whole house. Our new AC comes on Thursday so that should help.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


On a whim I ordered a moo sticker book of some of my flickr shots. Now I can't wait for those sticky little buggers to get here! I'm a-quiver with anticipation!

Monday, June 25, 2007


For Illustration Friday. Please click to view it at a better size.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Photo Finish

So I'm a cheapskate. Flickr needs to deal with that. Sweetgumshade - my new home.


Somebody loves me! He bought me new shoes!

Summer Fun

Oh oh oh! Matthew Mead has updated his site for summer!! Pure perfection! My favorite idea is the beverage carrier picnic (bottom right photo.) Would you like to start saving bottle boxes now and we'll use them for the 4th?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Vote now

You, my loyal fans, can vote at decor8.

Friday, June 15, 2007

election day

I am tickled that Holly over at decor8
chose my mood board as one of the finalists in her contest. Now all I need are some votes (hint, hint) and I might get some Amy Butler patterns that I would share with some of my loyal supporters (hint, hint).

Friday, May 18, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Orange you glad?

I'm taking the orange package to the post office today. I am exceedingly proud of it.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Martha Stewart needs to stop

making things that I don't need but want to buy. Her new crafts site is full of fun things.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Playing favorites

I am weirdly attached to my Flickr favorites. These are my favorites of my favorites. Ha!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


As you can see, I baked bread today. If you would like to bake raspberry filled cup cakes may I suggest these?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

In which we visit Denyse

Now, I know you're Denyse Schmidt fans so I wanted to point you to the tour of her home on Design*Sponge. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

In which there is a cake

This is the carrot cake that was my best birthday prezzie. I live with a secret baker!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

In which we outfit?

I haven't been to Urban Outfitters lately, but a quick look at their website makes me think I should go check out their sale stuff. I'm especially intrigued by the parasol hanging lamp.
All images: Urban Outfitters

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

In which we meet the jolly postman

So many packages arrived today that the postman left the mail crate. I feel so special. I opened the red package (the red stickers helped with identification.) Bliss, bliss, bliss! The train picture is currently my favorite but the rooster is also enchanting! Thank you so much. Are we up for an orange package next? I'm saving the other packages for Friday. On Friday we are planning to go see the impressionist exhibit at the museum, grill fish, and maybe buy some cut lilacs at the fancy florist. Word is currently lame so I probably won't ride but I'll spend the afternoon at the barn.

Monday, April 16, 2007

In which we see red

red with shadows of leaves, originally uploaded by harthillsouth.

The package is ready - I'll mail it tomorrow.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

In which we discuss a lamp

This small marble lamp followed me home one day. The shade is from Ikea and doesn't really fit.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

In which we flickr

I like checking on all your flickr photos and your favorites. It makes me happy.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

In which we blow the budget

These 3 items are from Zinman's which has a lovely edited selection of things. The table has a tin top. If I had a huge house and money falling out of my pockets this is the kind of stuff I'd have.

In which we look at more flowers

The Spring's first amaryllis.

The same amaryllis hanging out with a yellow columbine (who was white last year in a basket, but now that he lives in the garden wants to be yellow - strange.)

And a hollyhock - soon to be a lady in a pink skirt?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A post from the dog

Lets get something straight here. I am the cute one! Don't forget it. Love, Meg

In which we realize my house may be bleak

Oh look, tulips!
Oh look, a tulip hanging out with a primrose.
This photo may make my house look bleak. I prefer to think of it as spartan and restful? Featured is a cardboard picture of a European room (possibly an outdated teaching tool?) on the flip side is a scene of dutch houses and a canal. (Found at the ever-fab urban market)
Another Spartan shot. These are some lino prints I made on book pages a couple months ago. I have another book page with a guitar to add to the group.

In which we look at some photos

Hey look! Ecce! (if you're in ancient Rome) It is Meg's big brother looking the part of the dapper gentledog. And a plastic dwarf examining a hill-size McCoy pot containing a baby (but to him huge) orchid.

These photos show off 3 things: 1. potted tulips 2. a small wicker chair that followed me home from the urban market. It may not remain shiny green for long. We shall see. 3. How the sweet gum tree really does grow right out of our house.